Pastor McCallum of First Baptist of Hot Springs quoted someone by explaining "If you take out Christmas you would only miss a couple of chapters of the Bible, if you take out Easter, there would be no New Testament." This statement sort of slapped me with an Ah Ha moment), I adore the colors of the holiday, I could dye dozens and dozens of Easter eggs without getting tired of the activity, I love picking out Easter outfits (especially with Miller now in the mix) and its a fun, relaxed holiday to spend with family.
Friday we packed up and headed south to Hot Springs. It's always a mental hurdle for me to get prepared for a weekend out of town. I am always worried what needs to be packed, how tired we will be when we get home and how much laundry will be awaiting me at our return home, etc. I overcome the hurdle as soon l remember how much fun we always have. It's always worth it...
But I do have to remind myself that again after we have been in the car for three hours with a 15 month old who hates being in the car (I can't even tell the story as all it would be is crying on his part, me wanting to pull over to rock him, my time sensitive husband not wanting to stop and my climbing back to the back to try to entertain Miller unsuccessfully). I do need to note though that he was perfectly happy and slept most of the way home, thank you Lord for that.
We had a wonderful time with our family in Hot Springs. Snow cones, the park and preparation for pool days this summer were our main activites. We had a delicious Easter dinner, dyed eggs and went to a wonderful Easter service. We packed up Sunday and headed to my parents for Easter lunch. We had a great meal and enjoyed catching up with the fam. Mom made a delcious meal and Miller spent lots of time playing on the swing set Poppy made. We finally headed back to the Hill (the sight of Old Main always makes my heart swell). We jumped in comfy clothes and after about 20 minutes remembered we had Easter baskets at home as well. Three Easter baskets for sweet M over the weekend, that boy made out like a bandit!!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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