*I am totally stealing this idea from one my student's monthly sports column in the school paper. And cannot move forward without saying he is a far superior writer than his Service Learning teacher.
4: Number of Spring Break to do's I completed making me 4 for 4. Miracle!!!
2: Number of times I have been to morning workout in three weeks. Saluting myself with L-shaped fingers to the forehead.
17: Number of days my home and microwave have smelled like charred plastic as I forgot to put water in my Velvetta cup before I put it in the microwave. I think I may start lobbying Velvetta to start putting a huge label on the cup to warn myself and the rest of the Mom Brain Club that noodles are highly flammable.
118: Miles it takes to drive from Fayetteville to the Tulsa Aquarium or better known in our house as the Fish Zoo (copyright by Ruby).
Miller yelled at every creature under the sea who would pay him any attention. I absolutely loved watching him!! Lyla was a hoot as usual and gave us some great laughs including this conversation between her and Brooke:
(Setting: booth of a gourmet Mexican restaurant next to the aquarium; the booth wall has a perfectly clear mirror hanging on it)
Brooke: Lyla please do not wipe the mirror with a wipey, you are putting smugges all over it.
Lyla: okay Mommy
(two minutes later)
Brooke: Lyla I told you not to touch that mirror.
Lyla: I'm not touching the mirror.
Brooke: Then what am I seeing...
Lyla: I am not touching the mirror...my wipey is!
Oh, how I love that child!!
2: Number of little troublemakers that belly laugh while chasing each other and try to find the easiest and best escape routes. Knox and Miller, you can look at us innocently with those big sweet eyes but your mommas know better than to fall for that trick...well at least most of the time we don't fall for it.
4: Number of babies banging on the glass door while their daddies pretend they can't hear them.
87: Days Miller Woodruff graced our world...
Endless: The impact he has had on the lives of everyone who knew him and his family and so many who did not but were inspired by his story. My kids spent Friday helping the committee set-up for Cupcakes and Cocktails. I told my friend Kate there is nothing greater than seeing purpose and inspiration in the eyes of 18 year olds about to enter the world. Miller Mac, you gave my kids more purpose and inspiration than I have seen anyone give them in the year we have been together as a class. Amazing, truly amazing.

(nabbed this pic from a friend's FB, a breathtaking sight)
7: Years old our sweet Ruby Grace has become. Where has the time gone? She is insanely beautiful and immensely kind.
21 & 34: Number of school days left with my sweet seniors and my juniors. Depends on the day you ask (I've explained before that teaching causes bipolarism: one second you want to send them to detention, the next you want to give them a great big bear hug) but since today I am writing this I can say I am going to be a very sad girl when my seniors go. They have driven me to the point of near straight-jacket crazy but have provided me more laughs then the numbers post could ever count. My Bulldogs, you will be terribly missed. And on another note... come on summer vacation...Miller and I are very very ready for you!!

A little jam session between classes
1: Team ranking for online donations for March for Babies. I spoke to everyone for a moment about what it's like to be a NICU mom. I wore my sunglasses just in case the floodgates opened but did very well. Thank you Willow Creek for letting us join you!
761: Number of pics I have taken on my iPhone in the past three weeks...can you say Obbbbsseesssseeddd?
Happy Wednesday!!!
Love and Hugs,
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone