Friday, March 25, 2011

101 Things You Should Do Before Your Kids Leave Home

Hurry! Hurry! Get in a blog post before the baby wakes up! Miller is 10 weeks today and last night we completed a big milestone. He slept in the nursery in his big boy crib! Andrew and I were so excited when we woke up this morning from a successful night. We have had a hard time deciding when to do certain things with Miller. Yes, he is 10 weeks but his corrected birthday makes him 2 weeks old!! He doesn't really act like either. My dad thinks he is developmentally 7 or 8 weeks. Doctors say the first year of a premature baby's life you go by his due date but he just doesn't act like a newborn so needless to say Andrew and I have been a little confused. We will get the hang of it. Miller is such a good baby, doesn't act premature in the least bit and is the best cuddle buddy in the world.

My friend Lauren came over the other night to play with us and bring dinner. After she left, I opened a gift she had brought over. If you know me, you know I have a serious obsession with reading and books. Lauren gave us 101 Things You Should Do Before Your Kids Leave Home.The most common advice we have received from parents is "Enjoy every moment because before you know it he will be grown." After we put Miller to bed, we read over the list and I fell in love with it. We are really going to make an effort to do all 101 things (maybe not the Sail Over Your House in a Hot Air Balloon, not much for heights). I am going to keep the book out regularly to remind us. There are some really great ones: Open a Snow-Cone Stand, Plant a Family Tree, Teach Your Kids to Write Thank You Notes, Share Family Recipes, Join a Parade, Spend the Night in a Zoo, Show Your Kids That "Old Folks" Don't Bite, etc.

We have already started one. #40 is Take It To The Lord in Prayer. This really was the theme of our lives from December to February. We were so grateful for all the prayers for our son and Andrew and I spent more time in prayer than in years past. Now that Miller is home, before I lay him down at night we sing his lullaby and then say prayers together out loud. It is my favorite part of the day. We pray for our family, friends, babies in the NICU, nursery and bellies and give thanks to all we have been given.

I would say we completed #64: Pile Up the Pillows, Dim the Lights and Watch a Movie, but then I would have to admit to Miller that his first family movie was Jackass 3D and well...who wants to admit to that!? Ha!! Although, I will say Andrew and I laughed so hard, it was pretty funny, except for the porta-potty one, I had to close my eyes.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!! We are looking forward to a great party with friends tomorrow night in celebration of Theresa and Chris's upcoming nuptials.
Sleeping in his crib! Yay!!
Super excited about Mike Anderson!
Sweet smile!
Getting bigger every day!

Big Ole Yawn!


Anonymous said...

yay glad you liked the book! Some are a little out there but love the overall idea!
Can't wait to see him again!

Kate said...

oh we LOVE that book! :) that is the theme of the new school basket we are doing too! i got all the ideas from the book! ;)